
NRM CEC Meeting Adjourned to Tomorrow, Some Candidates to be “Forced Out”

The National Resistance Movement party Central Executive Committee meeting sitting at State House Nakasero has been postponed to Wednesday.

The meeting scrutinizing candidates for the 9 positions of the vice chairpersons did not complete its business according to sources who attended it.

“No decision has been made yet on the candidates for the 9 positions being vied for. CEC will again convene tomorrow to decide on the matter,” said a source.

When contacted on phone, the NRM Director Communications, Emmanuel Dombo confirmed the development.

“CEC candidates finished their submissions late and because of the current curfew regulations, business couldn’t be concluded today hence adjournment to tomorrow,” said Dombo.

ChimpReports has been told that some of the candidates are going to be asked to stand down for the incumbents.

“Honestly, people like Hajji Naduli have no job in government and all he has is CEC. Hon. Kiwanda is a state minister and we should be considerate,” said a source in NRM who asked not to be named.

The scrutinizing of candidates have already raised eyebrows and being seen as a plot to kick out some since all are known party card holding members.

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Dombo, however, explained that CEC is only interacting with the candidates to make a report to be presented to the National Executive Committee.

“The interaction is meant to generate a report on each candidate. The report will be sent to the National Executive Committee,” said Dombo.

Meanwhile candidates were asked to stop attacking each other and be civil in their campaign messages.

A candidate for the position of 2nd National Vice Chairperson Women (we have withheld the name) was specifically asked to stop attacking her opponent and concentrate on her manifesto.

“She (names withheld) has been attacking her elder and made the campaign look like it is for settling cores,” said a source.

The CEC positions are currently held by President Yoweri Museveni, the national chairperson; Moses Kigongo, first national vice chairperson and Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga is the second national vice chairperson.

The regional vice chairpersons are; Capt Mike Mukula for eastern region, Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Matayo Kyaligonza for western region, Sam Engola for northern region, Abdul Nadduli for central region, Godfrey Nyakana for Kampala region and Simon Peter Aleper for Karamoja region.

Only Museveni is unopposed but the rest are facing competitions from some of the known names in the country’s politics and leadership.

Kigong is being challenged by former Kampala Central MP Francis Babu, Hakeem Asiimwe Lukenge and little known Kefa Mufumu while Kadaga has three competitors including junior lands minister, Persis Namuganza, Jane Frances Amongin and Deborah Kyazike Kinobe. Namuganza disagreed with Kadaga during the election of Busoga Kyabazinga and her bid is not surprising to many.

Engola is also facing three competitors including the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Oulanyah, who is challenging him for the second time, Timothee Okee and Dr. Samuel Oledo.

Mukula is facing competition from former Tororo Municipality Member of Parliament, Sanjay Tana and John Robert Ekongot.

Nadduli is meanwhile facing the junior Tourism, Wild Life and Antiquities minister, Godfrey Kiwanda Ssuubi and Moses Kalangwa Kalisa.

In Kampala, Nyakana is facing competition from businessman Salim Uhuru and former Rubaga North MP, Singh Katongole.

Karamoja region vice chairperson attracted the candidature of Jimmy Lokoru Tebanyag who wants to unseat Aelper.


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